


Baator (AR1000)

Did we miss anything on this map? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

This is it: the Big One, the Nine Hells, the Pit of Darkness, the Stinking Mire, whatever. It's got more names than there are prime-material worlds. It's the plane of the most dangerous evil there is: the baatezu, fiends of unsurpassed power. These monstrous beings are absolute masters of their plane. Among their kind exists a rigid hierarchy of domination that defines all life on Baator.

1 - Arrival

This is where you'll initially enter Baator. Be ready for some very tough battles as you hack your way through swarms of Abishai towards the Pillar of Skulls at area #4.

2 - Abishai Ambush

You'll encounter a Damsel in Distress here, which will actually turn out to be a group of Green Abishai plotting a trap. As soon as you go to help her, you'll be ambushed by them.

3 - Outlands Portal

The portal back to the Outlands can be found in this corner. Using Fhjull's directions on how to get back, you need to grab a piece of Obsidian from the ground and cut your tongue with it before the portal will open.

4 - Exit & Ambush

This exit leads to the Pillar of Skulls. If you have already visited the Pillar and have revealed Fhjull's location, a group of fiends will be waiting for you here.