


Carceri (AR0900)

Did we miss anything on this map? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

There's some berks that say Sigil's a birdcage, a prison, and other folks are too dim to realize it. Well, they ain't seen Carceri. That's a prison. Sigil's a holy temple compared to this plane. Known as Tarterus to green primes, Carceri is the land of exiles, the place where the outcast, the overthrown, and the defeated fume and plot for the day when they'll return. Olympic titans are the best known of the lot. Carceri plays its role in the Blood War by serving as a mustering ground and battlefield for the mindless armies of gehreleth.

1 - Tovus and Berrog

Help Tovus and Berrog by lifting the cart off of them, and you'll get a scroll of Death Bolt.

2 - Kyse the Caretaker

Here you'll speak to Kyse, the dump caretaker, who will explain the recent happenings and why Curst fell into Carceri. He'll tell you that you must strike Trias down in order to restore Curst, and will give you a scroll of Meteor Storm Bombardment to aid in your battle.

3 - Gehreleth Attack

You'll see two Gehreleths here, attacking some of Curst's innocents. Save them by killing the Gehreleths and you'll be awarded 225,000 experience points.

4 - Jasilya

Once again, you'll find Jasilya (Barse's daughter) in trouble. Save her a second time for a nice experience point gain.

5 - Warehouse

Outside of the warehouse here, you'll see a soldier named Jujog and his crew of thugs. They are planning to loot the place, but you can talk them out of it. Once you have, head inside and speak with Ebb to get yourself a scroll of Desert Hell.

Before leaving, be sure to check all crates, boxes, and niches, as there are a lot of items to be gained in here, including a Magus Shield, a Charcoal Charm, scrolls of Ball Lightning, Cure Critical Wounds, and Ice Knife.

You'll also find an Ancient Scroll that is actually a scroll of Wish! If the Nameless One is a high-level mage, he can invoke the Wish to be given the following choices via a dialogue screen:
  • Increase Abilities: Grants a +2 bonus to any of your six attributes.
  • Item of Power: Conjures up a Ring of Thex.
  • Wealth: Conjures up 10,000 coppers.
  • Heal Party: All ailments and wounds are instantly healed.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Conjures up scrolls of Meteor Storm Bombardment, Stygian Ice Storm, and Power Word: Kill.
The ring is extremely powerful, but the +2 bonus to any attribute is probably your best bet.

6 - An'azius' Execution

An'azius, the man you may (or may not) have turned into the Captain of the Guard back in Curst will be up at the top of this ramp. A group of people are going to execute him, but you can convince them not to (because reasons like this are exactly why Curst fell into Carceri in the first place). Once you convince them that executing will not better their situation, you'll gain 225,000 experience points.

7 - Roof Assault

You'll have to fight two pretty nasty fiends here, as well as a mage that fires spells from the roof of the building.

8 - Hezobol

Here you'll meet Hezobol, a wizard who is using Thokola troops to round up slaves. You can earn 150,000 experience points if you're able to convince him to help defend the town from its chaotic state instead of sacrificing citizens to the Gehreleths.

9 - Angry Citizens

A Curst Official has been surrounded by angry citizens here. Speak with the citizens and convince them that they must not take their anger out on the official. This will get you another 150,000 experience points.

10 - Exit

This exit leads into the Curst Administration Building.