


Player's Maze (AR1900)

Did we miss anything on this map? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

The Mazes are the grandest of all Sigil's punishments, and the Lady of Pain saves them for the worst threats to her power. They're a part and yet not a part of the city, and no sane basher wants to go there. The Mazes are the Lady's special birdcages for the would-be power mongers of Sigil.

1 - Arrival

This is where you'll begin the Lady of Pain's maze.

2 - Small Camp

Search through this small camp to find the Brimstone Hammer and some sort of frame. Upon closer inspection, you'll realize that it is a journal that you previously created. Read it (it contains some hints on how to get out of the maze), then head to area #3.

3 - Exit Gate #1

To exit the maze, this is the gate you'll need to walk through. Once you've walked through, you will appear at area #4. Walk back to area #3 and you'll be teleported to area #5, the exit.

4 - Landing Area

When you first walk through the gate at area #3, this is where you'll appear. Head back to area #3 and walk through it again.

5 - Exit Gate #2

After walking through the gate at area #3 two consecutive times, you'll appear here. Walk through the gate to exit the maze.