


Buried Village (AR0109)

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1 - Marta's House

You can take the quick route here by dying in the Trash Warrens. Speak with Marta to have her search through your body for the Twisted Ring. She can also remove your intestines, which you'll find have a purpose later on when you ask Ignus (the burning mage in the Smoldering Corpse Bar) to teach you some of his magic.

If you're in need of some supplies (or some new teeth for Morte), you'll want to take a look at what Marta has to offer. A full list of the items she's willing to sell can be found in the table below.

Marta the Seamstress
Bandages [∞] Glass Eye [∞] Needle and Thread [∞]
Teeth of the Viper [1]

2 - Radine

You can talk to Radine about her name and number, then travel to #3 and speak with Ku'u Yin.

3 - Ku'u Yin

Ku'u Yin claims that Radine has stolen his name and number leaving him without memory or protection. He will ask you to help him get his name and number back. After a bit of bantering between him and Radine, you can convince Radine to give them back (the good route) or force her to give them back (evil route).

When you return them to Ku'u Yin he will be grateful and realize he does not need the number, offering it to you. The tattoo is protection against chaotic creatures. You will also receive 2500 experience for completing this short quest.

This is also the entrance to Ojo the Leatherhead's kip. He isn't talking to strangers and has a strange bite on his hand.

4 - Exit to Trash Warrens

This exit leads back up to the Trash Warrens.

5 - Pharod's Kip

Just southeast of this entrance, you can talk to a collector named Uhir. Uhir will tell you about a knife that he lost down in the depths of the Catacombs. When you travel down to the Dead Nations, you can trade 6 cranium rat tails to the "Knifed Ghoul" for Uhir's Knife. Bring it back to Uhir for an experience reward.

6 - Exit to Catacombs

This is the gate to the catacombs. You will need to speak to Pharod in order to get past the guards and enter the catacombs below.

If you come back up without the sphere Pharod wants, you'll be stopped by the group of guards and they'll want to be paid to let you back in. With a high dexterity, you can grab one of their arms and force them to open the gate by twisting it, otherwise you'll have to pay.

7 - Quint's Shop

Quint is able to sell you an assortment of items, which you'll find listed below.

Quint the Corpse-Peddler
Angle-Less Eye [1] Bandages [∞] Battle Axe [1]
Battle Axe of Quality [1] Blood Charm [∞] Charcoal Charm [1]
Charm of Infinite Recall [3] Clot Charm [∞] Corpse Fly Charm [1]
Cranium Rat Charm [1] Dirty Rat Charm [1] Divine Censer [∞]
Green Steel Dagger [1] Green Steel Knife [1] High Quality Sledgehammer [1]
Iron Knuckles [1] Iron Spike [∞] Knife [1]
Knot Charm [1] Rags [∞] Rusty Dagger [1]
Shamanic Rod [1] Steak Knife [1] Stiletto [1]
Wooden Club [1]